Schema tutorial
Schema tutorialLesson 7: Adapting content in bulk

Lesson 7: Adapting content in bulk

This tutorial lesson adapts content in bulk, updating the title, content and excerpt for multiple posts with a single GraphQL request.

For this GraphQL query to work, the Schema Configuration applied to the endpoint needs to have Nested Mutations enabled

The GraphQL query below retrieves the data for the multiple posts, executes a search and replace on the title, content and excerpt fields for each of them, adapts these as inputs to the mutation, and exports a single dynamic variable $postInputs with all the results as a dictionary, with format:

  "${post ID}": {
    "title": "${adapted post title}",
    "excerpt": "${adapted post excerpt}"
  // repeat for all other posts ...

In the mutation operation, each of these entries is then retrieved via _objectProperty (using ${post ID} as the key) and passed as the input to update the post:

query TransformAndExportData(
  $limit: Int! = 5,
  $offset: Int! = 0,
  $replaceFrom: [String!]!
  $replaceTo: [String!]!
) {
  posts: posts(
    pagination: { limit: $limit, offset: $offset }
    sort: { by: ID, order: ASC }
  ) {
        search: $replaceFrom
        replaceWith: $replaceTo
        affectAdditionalFieldsUnderPos: [1, 2]
        as: "postAdaptedSources"
        type: DICTIONARY
        affectAdditionalFieldsUnderPos: [1, 2]
query AdaptDataForMutationInput
  @depends(on: "TransformAndExportData")
  postInputs: _echo(value: $postAdaptedSources)
      passValueOnwardsAs: "adaptedSource",
      affectDirectivesUnderPos: [1, 2, 3, 4]
        name: "_objectProperty",
        arguments: {
          object: $adaptedSource,
          by: {
            key: "rawTitle"
        passOnwardsAs: "adaptedTitle"
        name: "_objectProperty",
        arguments: {
          object: $adaptedSource,
          by: {
            key: "rawExcerpt"
        passOnwardsAs: "adaptedExcerpt"
        name: "_objectProperty",
        arguments: {
          object: $adaptedSource,
          by: {
            key: "rawContent"
        passOnwardsAs: "adaptedContent"
        name: "_echo",
        arguments: {
          value: {
            title: $adaptedTitle,
            excerpt: $adaptedExcerpt,
            contentAs: {
              html: $adaptedContent
        setResultInResponse: true
    @export(as: "postInputs")
mutation UpdatePost(
  $limit: Int! = 5,
  $offset: Int! = 0
  @depends(on: "AdaptDataForMutationInput")
  adaptedPosts: posts(
    pagination: { limit: $limit, offset: $offset }
    sort: { by: ID, order: ASC }
  ) {
    postInput: _objectProperty(
      object: $postInputs,
      by: { key: $__id }
    ) @remove
    update(input: $__postInput) {
      errors {
        ...on ErrorPayload {
      post {